Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Covering all the aspects of Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Explaining why the diagnosis is often missed, specific symptoms of ADHD, a discussion about Adderall / Dextroamphetamine Salt, Vyvanse / Lisdexamfetamine, and Ritalin / Methylphenidate. Learning styles of those with ADHD, genetics, education potential and loss, and what considerations doctors have when treating this issue.

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A Discussion about Trauma and PTSD

Trauma occurs from events so horrific, that they cut you to your core.  The damage is deep. Making matters worse is that emotional trauma from the past tends to comes out and bother you when you are at low points.  It is like a knife held at your side, ready to stab the second you start to stumble. With a lot of work and the right treatment, you can find a sense of peace.  Lets get started with a better understanding of trauma.

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